Customer Testimonials

Read what our students have to say about their dancing experiences with Michel & Company.

Hi Michel and Stacie,
It has been an absolute pleasure dancing with Stacie, and I have learned so much from her! You both present such a fun and pleasant class!

I am looking forward to returning in the New Year!
Corey Myers

To Michel, Stacie and Elisa:
I am very impressed with the quality and processes of your teaching, not to mention your curriculum, which helped me make real progress over the 9 week Salsa course. I appreciated dancing with Elisa and Stacie, and both pushed me to advance.

I danced with Stacie more often, and she talked me through figures, and with her dry humour, gently critiqued my progress, and gave firm guidance and encouragement. It was a great experience!

Thank you all.
Gary Knowles

I just wanted to write you a quick note of thanks for our lessons!
We had great fun and the first dance was a hit!
People loved the jive we did and our choice of song (You Make My Dreams Come True - Hall & Oates).
We wanted to do something different and that's exactly what happened!
Bonus: I didn't fall in my dress!

Thanks again!
Ellen & Peter Kelly

Everyone is clumsy at first; Michel, Stacie or Trena are very good instructors, they taught me, and that's saying something!
You won't regret taking classes here, everyone leaves with a smile.

Kyle Wyenberg

I hope to get my boyfriend out for ballroom classes in the fall on Sundays as he travels all week and that is the only day he could do it!

Thanks so much for all your wonderful instruction, you are the best teacher I have trained with.

Connie Snider

Hi Michel,
Thank you so much for all that you contributed to Halifax Dance for this event (Viennese Opera Ball)!

Thank you for making all of our guests feel comfortable on the dance floor!
Everyone loved the touch of watching you and Jan waltzing on the floor at the beginning of the evening. Thank you!!!!!
Until next year....of which we hope you are on board again!
All the best,
Alicia MacDonald, Halifax Dance Association

I'll let you know that I've loved the 3 courses I took with you guys. Thanks for pushing me along path to quick feet and a warmer heart. All the best in future endeavours,
Joshua Chevalier

Hi Michel,
Well what a terrific first class (Salsa). We both really enjoyed the pace and format and are looking forward to the rest of the session.
John van Gurp

Hi Michel and Trena,
I wanted to send along a huge THANK YOU to both of you!